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Private Equity Due Diligence


New Deal Due Diligence

We’ll evaluate a range of factors, including IT infrastructure, the health of both local and global supply chains, and the ability to maximize sales across all channels.


SWOT Analysis

We’ll analyze a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to help you fully identify areas of strength upon which to build, opportunities for improvement, and areas of concern.


Investment Assessment

We’ll provide input from our analyses into an initial investment thesis and post-acquisition agenda to give you a clear basis upon which to make valuations and a road map to start maximizing value the day the deal closes.


Optimizing IT and Operations Investments

We’ll help you identify fully functional, highly scalable systems needs without over allocating resources that could better be assigned to other parts of the enterprise, making sure you don’t over pay up front or leave money on the table at exit.


Managing Deliverables

We’ll help you develop a post-deal operating plan that identifies future capital outlays and the timetables on which they’ll be executed, while prioritizing future capital investment and project development.


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